I specialize in Abstract Art because it allows me the most freedom. I combine vibrant colors and unique textures for a stunning collaboration in a piece of art. The content of my painting depends on my mood and the energy of the day. Straight out of B.G.S.U. I pursued business. That was an awesome major but I missed my art classes, drawing classes & and most of all copper enameling. The randomness of art called me back. Many years later I found myself painting everyday. I found a passion to create and capture a true feeling with each body of work. I spend much of my time experimenting with pigment behavior. Lately, with great pleasure, I have been working with Alcohol Ink and Fluid Acrylic as a vehicle to create awesome pigment effects!


Stop by…

I love it when people come to my studio! Art is made to be looked at & enjoyed.

New Day Cleveland...

So this happened…One day I opened my email and there was a message from a T.V. producer! She said we are interested in interviewing you and showing your art on our show. Of course I jumped at this chance. Check out my T.V. debut June 1 , 2021.